‘Ilo fekau‘aki mo e Emergency Mobile Alert. ‘Oku tauhi ‘e he Emergency Mobile Alerts ke malu ‘a e kakaí. ‘Oku fakamafola atu ‘a e ngaahi fakatokangá ki he ngaahi telefoni kotoa pē ‘oku malava ke nau ma‘u atu iá meí ha ngaahi taua telefoni to‘oto‘o tu‘upau.

People stopping their wedding, vacumming and playing with their dog to check their phones for an Alert. Text reads Emergency Mobile Alert Nationwide Test May 26

Ngahi ‘ahi‘ahi fakafonua

Kumi ha fakamatala mo ha ngaahi ola fekau‘aki mo e ngaahi ‘ahi‘ahi fakafonua ‘o e Emergency Mobile Alert.

Ngahi ‘ahi‘ahi fakafonua
A series of progressively modern phones with large exclamation marks on their screens

Ngaahi Fehu‘i ‘Oku Fa‘a ‘Eké

Kumi ha ngaahi tali ‘aonga ki he ngaahi fehu‘i ‘oku fa‘a ‘eke felāve‘i mo e Emergency Mobile Alert.

Ngaahi Fehu‘i ‘Oku Fa‘a ‘Eké

About Emergency Mobile Alert

Emergency Mobile Alerts are messages about emergencies. They are sent by authorised emergency agencies to mobile phones.

The alerts keep people safe and are broadcast to all capable phones from targeted cell towers to areas affected by serious hazards. If you are out of mobile coverage, mobile phone towers are damaged or if there is a power outage, you may not receive the alert. For this reason, you must also always rely on other information sources.

Emergency Mobile Alert is only one way of finding out about serious threats. Make sure you have an emergency plan and know where to find more information during an emergency.

Our 2022 Emergency preparedness survey shows that over 88%  of people in New Zealand received the test or was with someone who did. In an emergency, if you receive an alert make sure you let the people around you know. 

Founga ke ma‘u atu ai ‘a e Emergency Mobile Alert

Ke ma‘u atu ‘a e Emergency Mobile Alerts, ‘e fiema‘u ha‘o telefoni ‘okú ne malava ‘o ma‘u atu kinautolu. ‘Oku fiema‘u foki ke ma‘u ‘e ho‘o telefoní ha fehokotaki‘anga ki he telefoní pea mo e polokalama fakakomipiuta fakamuimui tahá. ‘Oku ‘ikai fiema‘u ia ke ke tukuhifo ha app pe lēsisita ki ha sēvesi totongi.

  1. Vakai‘i pe ‘oku kau ‘a ho‘o telefoní ‘i he lisi ‘o e ngaahi telefoni te nau lava ‘o ma‘u atu ‘a e ngaahi fakatokangá.(external link)
  2. Fakafo‘ou (update) ‘a e polokalama fakakomipiuta ‘o ho‘o telefoní.(external link)

Kātaki ‘o vakai ki ho‘o tohi fakahinohino ki ho‘o telefoní pe talanoa mo ho‘o tokotaha ngāue ki ho‘o telefoni to‘oto‘ó kapau ‘okú ke fiema‘u ha tokoni ki hono fakafo‘ou ‘o e polokalama fakakomipiuta ‘i ho‘o telefoní.

‘E lava nai ke u fili ke ‘oua te u ma‘u ‘a e Emergency Mobile Alerts?

Koe‘uhí ko e Emergency Mobile Alert ‘oku fakatumu‘a ia ke tauhi ho‘o malu mo haó, ‘e ‘ikai lava ia ke ke fili ke ta‘ofi ho‘o ma‘u atu ‘a e ngaahi Emergency Mobile Alerts.

‘Oku ‘ikai ke mau tāketi‘i ha ngaahi fa‘ahinga telefoni pau, kā ‘oku mau fakamafola atu kinautolu ki ha feitu‘u ‘oku tāketi‘i pau ‘a ia ‘oku tu‘u lavea ngofua ke uesia. ‘I he ‘uhinga ko ‘ení, ‘oku ‘ikai ke mau lava ai ‘o ta‘ofi pau ‘a ho‘o telefoní.

‘E ala hā ‘i ho‘o telefoní ha ngaahi fo‘i fili ‘oku ala ngāue‘aki ‘i ha ngaahi fonua kehe, kā ‘i Nu‘u Silá ‘oku mau ngāue‘aki ha sēnolo fakamafola ‘oku tuku fakamo‘ui ‘i he taimi kotoa pē.

Ngaahi Fakakaukau Fekau‘aki mo e Emergency Mobile Alert

‘Omai ha fakakaukau fekau‘aki mo e Emergency Mobile Alert. ‘Oku tokoni ‘a e ngaahi fakamatala ‘oku tānaki ‘i he saveá ni ke hokohoko atu ‘emau fakalelei‘i ‘a e fa‘unga ngāué.

Person holding a phone with unreadabale text and button that says submit