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38 results for Earthquakes

Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold
Teach students about earthquakes with this earthquake lesson plan.

Blind Low Vision NZ has advice on earthquake preparedness for people who are blind or have a visual impairment.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake logo

What's the Plan, Stan? is proudly supported by the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Learn why Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take in an earthquake.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake logo

Visit the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake website for more information on making your home safer.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake logo

Find resources from Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake that will help you better prepare for natural disasters and recover afterwards. Resources include Easy Ways to Quake Safe Your Home and a kids activity book.

Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take in an earthquake. Watch this short video to find out more about Drop Cover and Hold.

Arrow above a house on a hill in a tsunami evacuation zone

If an earthquake is Long or Strong, Get Gone. Watch this short video to find about Long or Strong, Get Gone.

Fakatino fakataata
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Me tikiake ka tā i ēnei pānui i roto i te reo Māori ka whakairi ki tō kāinga, kura, wāhi mahi rānei. Kia maumahara, Pāheke, Hīpoki, Pupuri ina pā mai he rū.

Download and print these posters in te reo Māori on what to do in an earthquake. Put them up in your home, school, work or community space. Remember to Drop, Cover and Hold in an earthquake. 
Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Download and share this factsheet on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Ko e Tau Talahauaga
Cartoon person doing Drop, Cover and Hold

Tīkina ake, tiria hoki tēnei pukameka mō ngā mahi me whakamahi ā mua, ā roto, ā muri hoki i tētahi rū whenua.

Download and share this factsheet on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
GNS Science logo

Watch these YouTube videos from GeoNet experts answering questions about natural hazards.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Resilient organisations logo

Prepare your organisation with Resilient Organisations' Earthquake Preparedness checklist.

Civil Defence logo

Listen to this audio recording in English about what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Ministry for Ethnic Communities logo

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities and the National Emergency Management Agency have worked together to create this series of videos, so our communities know what to do to prepare for different disasters and emergencies, and how to respond when they happen.

Watch the videos in English.

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