What is New Zealand ShakeOut and tsunami hīkoi?

ShakeOut takes place across the world to remind people of the right action to take during an earthquake. Drop, Cover and Hold. You can also practice a tsunami hīkoi (evacuation walk) if you're in a coastal area.

Photos taped onto a yellow background of kids doing Drop Cover Hold and their tsunami hīkoi

Regional sign ups scoreboard

See how many people in your region have signed up for New Zealand ShakeOut 2024.

Find your regions ShakeOut numbers
ShakeOut Regional Scoreboard 24th October 9:30am

Use this New Zealand ShakeOut audio announcement to start your earthquake drill. Play it through a speaker or PA so everyone knows the correct action to take.

Ko e laini matutaki ki Fafo
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake logo

New Zealand ShakeOut is proudly co-sponsored by Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake.

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459,242 participants
Currently registered nationwide