Get your household ready

It’s up to you to make sure your household knows what to do and that you all have what you need to get through. Follow these easy steps to get your household ready.

Get your work ready

Planning for emergencies makes good business sense.

It helps keep you and your workers safe and minimises downtime.

Find out how to get your work ready
E tangata, te rave ra i te ‘Akatopa, Tāpoki, ma te Mou, ki raro ake i te kaingakai i roto i tōna ‘ōpati

Get your school ready

Schools play a large role in keeping the community safe. Find out about school responsibilities and how to teach students the knowledge and skills they need to be more prepared for an emergency.

Get your marae ready

The Marae Emergency Preparedness Plan helps marae be prepared for an emergency. It encourages whānau, hapū and iwi to think about the possible impacts of natural disasters.

Find out how to get your marae ready
Te Marae Emergency Preparedness logo

Get Ready

There are simple steps you can take to make sure you and your whānau are ready to get through.