You can refine your selection by choosing from the topic and languages lists below.
Water supplies, including drinking water, could be affected in an emergency. Have a supply of stored water for three days or more. Find out more about storing water.
Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take in an earthquake. Watch this short video to find out more about Drop Cover and Hold.
Read this story about earthquakes in English and te reo Māori.
Find answers to common questions and troubleshooting problems with Emergency Mobile Alert.
If an earthquake is Long or Strong, Get Gone. Watch this short video to find about Long or Strong, Get Gone.
Find emergency and disaster updates from the National Emergency Management Agency.
Read the Director's Statement for Emergency Mobile Alert Device Standards. It defines the desired mobile device standards for emergency alerting in New Zealand.
Find official emergency information and advice on how to be better prepared for disasters in New Zealand. Find out and discuss how to prepare for an emergency, cope during an event, and recover quickly.
Read this story about volcanic eruptions in English and te reo Māori.
In an emergency, you may be stuck at home for three days or more. Your house is already full of emergency items disguised as everyday things. Figure out what supplies you need and make a plan to get through.
Find information about fire safety on the Fire and Emergency New Zealand website.
Find information on criminal acts and terrorism on the New Zealand Police website.
Find your local Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group.
Find out more about the National Emergency Management Agency.
Read Beth's story about floods in English and te reo Māori.
.قم بتحميل وطباعة هذه الملصقات باللغة العربية ووضعها في منزلك أو مدرستك أو مكان عملك .تذكر عند حصول زلزال بأن تنخفض بوضع القرفصاء، وتتغطى بساتر وتتمسك وتنتظر
Find information on working safely on roofs on the WorkSafe website.