You can refine your selection by choosing from the topic and languages lists below.
Planning for emergencies makes good business sense. It helps keep you and your workers safe and minimises downtime.
The Marae Emergency Preparedness Plan helps marae be prepared for an emergency. It encourages whānau, hapū and iwi to think about the possible impacts of natural disasters.
Help your friends, family and community get prepared for emergencies.
Subscribe to receive emails about upcoming nationwide tests of Emergency Mobile Alert. You'll receive an email once the date for the test is decided.
Visit the East Coast LAB website to find out about Tsunami Hīkoi Week.
Say thanks to kids by giving them our New Zealand ShakeOut 2024 certificate in English or Māori.
New Zealand ShakeOut is proudly co-sponsored by Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake.
Prepare your organisation with Resilient Organisations' Earthquake Preparedness checklist.
Find out more about New Zealand’s biosecurity system on the Ministry for Primary Industries website.
Find out more about New Zealand’s food safety system on the Ministry for Primary Industries website.
Learn more about hazardous substances on the Fire and Emergency New Zealand website.
Find information and guidance on working with hazardous substances on the WorkSafe website.
Find advice on understanding emotional reactions to emergencies and positive ways of coping on the Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora website.
Find tips for looking after yourself and others when times are tough from All Right?
All Right? is a collaboration between Canterbury DHB and the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. It was launched in 2013 to support the psychosocial recovery of Cantabrians following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
Find practical tips and techniques to help you take control of your mental wellbeing with Mentemia.
Mentemia was created by former All Black and mental health advocate Sir John Kirwan, tech entrepreneur Adam Clark and an expert team of medical advisors.
Find a health journal, resources and self-awareness tools to help you manage your emotional wellbeing with Melon.
Melon also provides an online community for New Zealanders to support each other and daily webinars for health and wellbeing.
Find online courses to teach you practical strategies to cope with stress with Just a Thought.
Find information and advice on how to look after yourself and your whānau on the website.
When we are anxious or depressed it can change the way we think, feel and act. Dealing with the tough times can be hard but you’re not alone.
Find advice on how to keep tank water safe from contamination, including the use of water filters, on the HealthEd website.