Your animals are your responsibility. You need to include them in your emergency planning and preparation.

  • Store have enough food, water and supplies for your animals for three days or more. Remember that animals often drink more water than usual when under stress.
  • Make sure you microchip your pets. Register them with the New Zealand Companion Animal Register (NZCAR). Keep these details up to date and include details for an out-of-region contact.
  • Review your pet insurance policy to see if it covers emergencies.
  • If you need to evacuate, take your pets with you. If it's not safe for you, it's not safe for them. Make sure your evacuation place will take your pets. Or have contact details for kennels, catteries and pet friendly motels.
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The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has advice for preparing a plan for your animals. It includes checklists for different types of animals and different emergencies. Work through the checklists to develop your plan.

Tailor your plan

When you’re making your household plan, remember to include everyone. Think about the requirements of disabled people, older people, babies, young children, pets and other animals.