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Ko Stan ko e kuli ne fae takitaki e tau fanau aoga he puhala ka fehola ka hoko mai e peau kula
500 participants
Currently registered nationwide

Types of hazards | Ngā momo matepā

In New Zealand we have a lot of natural hazards. Find out what to do before, during and after each type of emergency.

What you can do to be ready for a hazard

Go to this Easy Read webpage to learn about what to do if you are faced with a hazard.

A hazard is something that can cause danger or put people at risk.

A hazard is also sometimes known as an emergency.

An emergency is when something serious happens that means people need to act quickly to stay safe.

Learn what you can do to be ready for a hazard
Exclamation point surrounded by a cow, a first aid symbol, a biohazard symbol, a bomb, a dying flower in dry ground, and a tree on fire

What you can do to be ready for a hazard

You can find tsunami evacuation zones on the Get Ready website at:

Whakaritea he mahere


Own Your Zone
Ko e tagata taane ne fae onoono ke he lau kupega hila he poko Make a Plan he

Look after how you are feeling

Go to this Easy Read webpage to learn about how looking after your mental wellbeing.

Looking after your mental wellbeing is about taking care of how well you feel.

If there is an emergency or natural disaster like an earthquake or flood you might feel stressed or anxious.

There are things you can do to look after your mental wellbeing.

Learn how to look after how you are feeling
Ko e fakatino he Civil Defence

Who does what in an emergency

Go to this Easy Read webpage to learn about who does what in different kinds of emergencies.

Emergencies are things like floods or earthquakes.

There are different kinds of emergencies.

There are different organisations that deal with emergencies.

Learn who does what in an emergency

Mateuteu atu ki he COVID-19

Koe‘uhí he ‘oku ‘i hotau komiunitií ‘a e COVID-19, ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e ngaahi sitepu faingofua ‘e lava ke tau fakahoko ke fakatuai‘i‘aki ‘a e mafola ‘a e vailasí – ‘o malu‘i ai kitautolu mo e ni‘ihi kehé.

Cartoon characters celebrating around a cake with 'Happy Shot Day!' on it